
Google AdSense Job Step 03

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Google AdSense Job Step 03.

Step 3: Create Blog Posts
First you need topics to blog about
Go to http://www.articlesbase.com

Step 3: Create Blog Posts
You are now going to read articles on
http://www.articlesbase.com related to the
topic of your blog and do the following:
1.Search for an article
2.Read the article
3.Create a link from your blog to the article
4.Summarize what the article is about in your blog.
5.Create a blog post from your summary.
Note: You can write about anything you want in your
blog. However, writing summaries for articles and linking
back to them is the blogging method recommended in
this course because:
1.Articles give you an instant and abundant supply of ideas for blog posts. This cuts down on the time you spend blogging and increases your hourly rate of pay.
2.Article subject matter keeps you on the topic of your blog and this helps you get paid more for AdSenseclicks.

Step 3: Create Blog Posts
Type the main word in your blog title
in the “Search” box and click “Search”

Click on a search result link to go to an article
Read the article and scroll down
Click “Publish this Article” on the left of the page
Scroll down to the box called “Article URL”
Right click in the box and choose “Select All”
Go back to your blog, type “read more”
Highlight the words and then click on the link icon

After the URL for the article is entered click “OK”

You can use other free article directories
for your blog post ideas and article
summaries. Here are a few more:
Copy and paste the URL of any article from the address bar

After reading the article, write a summary and title

When writing your article summary and title you need
to follow these instructions:
1.Your written summary should about 5 sentences and 100 words in length. Do not put links in the summary. The title should be no longer than 10 words.
2.The summary and title must be in your own words, you can not copy and paste any text from the article or anywhere on the Internet.
3.The title of your summary of every blog post should include the main word in the name of your blog and a description of the article summary. In the example it is “Insurance”
For “Labels for this post” write the main blog name word and the main word from your article summary
Click “Publish Post”

Congratulations! You have now create your first blog post.
Now click “View Blog”

Now you can see what your blog post looks like

Now We Have To Move Step 4

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