
Google AdSense Job Step 09

Step 9: Getting paid
Once you make $100 you get paid by Google.
Pay day is on the last day of the month after you make $100.
The amount you get paid is determined by the following factors:
1.How many visitors you get -the more visitors, the more clicks. This is determined by how many blog posts you have created and how important Google thinks your posts are (based on back-links). This increases over time.
2.The amount you get paid for each click. This is determined by the topic you blog about. Check the “Create a Blog” section for the highest paying topics. The amount per click varies, but certain subjects pay much better in general.

That's It!
if you have more question or want to know about it more ?? then feel free to contact me here!  
Thanks For your Time! Best of luck i love to see your comments


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